AL!VE April 2016 Newsletter
Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement

Hybrid & Live Conference in Partnership with Better Impact Set for September 12-16, 2016

Once upon a time begins with you...Imagining the future of volunteer management
'Hybrid' Livestream Conference AND in-person event!


It's back!  AL!VE is pleased to partner again with Better Impact to provide another professional development opportunity.  A hybrid conference means the presenters come to you via live streaming.  You meet locally with your colleagues and interact virtually with the presenters.

Mark your calendar for the week of September 12.  This year's Hybrid Conference will be streamed from the Orlando, Florida area on September 12 Mountain time & September 13 Pacific time zone.  September 14 Central and Eastern.  September 14 - 15 - 16 will be an in person conference.   We will have more information soon - registration will be available to reserve a spot for the Hybrid or sign up for the in person conference held in Orlando!

Some of the attendees at the June 2015 Hybrid Conference.

Meet our new Board Members!

We are happy to announce the results of our latest election of officers and new board members:

Beth Whitmire, Board President (Orlando, FL)
Jason Frenzel, CVA President-Elect (Ann Arbor, MI)
Emilie Bromet-Bauer, CVA (San Francisco, CA)
Teri-Gene Conlin, CVA (Eau Claire, WI)


Did you know???? We have an app for that!

Free !
AL!VE has an app!  It's free and it gives you quick access to our event calendar, member info, website, and more!  Is there something you'd like to see our app do?  Make a suggestion and we will see what we can do! 

Search for 'AL!VE' in your ios or android platforms to download.  Did we mention it is free?

Mentoring: Reach out, connect, learn and share

     As a AL!VE member, you are our best advocate!
Share the benefits of AL!VE membership with your colleagues through our Mentor-to-Member Campaign. The campaign runs January 1 through April 30, 2016.
    There is no better promoter of AL!VE membership than you. We even make it easy for you!

Renew your membership or join for the first time, and a complimentary membership for the first twelve months will be offered on your behalf to a young professional.  We will match you with someone to mentor (or supply your own).

Want to join and be mentored?  Sign up and we will match you.

To join the Mentor-to-Member campaign now, click here

AL!VE - hitting the road!

Watch for AL!VE representatives at several events this year:

Pacific National Service Training Conference on April 19-21 in Reno, NV.

North Central Service Training Conference June 8-10 in Indianapolis, IN.

National Conference on Volunteering and Service - June 27-29 in Detroit, MI

AL!VE & Better Impact Hybrid and Live Conference - September 12-16 in Orlando, FL

Membership discounts will be available to these attendees.  Be sure and stop by to visit our booth to say hello!

Would you like an AL!VE representative at your event?  Contact

Have an event you'd like to share?

If you have a local, state, or national event you'd like to publicize, please feel free to add it to our calendar. 

From our home page, click on the calendar and you will see a link to add your own event.

Meetings, trainings, conferences or other pertinent events to Volunteer Managers are welcome.

Going for your CVA Certification in 2016?

Receive 15% off  your CVA Professional Certification as an AL!VE member!

Details on CCVA's website.  Click here.


Cabot Cheese "Gratitude Grill"

The Farm Families who own Cabot believe in the spirit of volunteering and honoring people who work to make their communities better places to live.
The Cabot Farmers’ Gratitude Grille is one way our farm families thank volunteers for all that they do. We serve community based organizations and the people who support them in the important work of sustaining their communities. 
The Gratitude Grille is a full service traveling kitchen where Cabot chefs prepare healthy delicious meals to feed hungry volunteers. 

To learn more, click here.

Call for Presenters - Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism, October 25, 2016

2016 Ohio Conference on Service & Volunteerism
Build – Strategize – Connect

October 25, 2016
Now Requesting Workshop Proposals!
ServeOhio is requesting proposals for workshops at the 2016 Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism on October 25, 2016 at Quest Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio. We invite you to consider presenting a session. Selected presenters are given complimentary full-day registration for the conference (up to 2 presenters per session).

Newsletter - AL!VE April 2016 Newsletter