President's Message
AL!VE Board President Michelle Raymer, CVA
In the past year or two, I’ve been 'geeking out' reading books about behavioral science to identify applications for volunteer engagement. I was even able to virtually attend the Behavioral Science and Policy Association Conference and hear directly from many of the researchers/authors I’d been reading (Richard Thaler, Angela Duckworth, Daniel Kahneman, Katie Milkman, Dean Karlan, Adam Grant, Leidy Klotz, and Robert Cialdini!) I enjoy thinking about how we can create structures and processes that nudge people into volunteering and volunteering more frequently, use persuasion research to enhance recruitment, create stickiness in volunteering to increase retention, and figure out what we can subtract from our processes to make them more accessible. I’m looking forward to reading “The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact” as a part of our upcoming book club (learn more about it here!) to continue on this line of thought. Shoutout to Darlene Laird for hosting it based on a book she enjoyed! What books from other fields have you enjoyed reading to inform your work in volunteer engagement? Share your top picks on our social media or LinkedIn and let us know if you want to lead the next book club!
Expand Your Professional Development - Volunteer With AL!VE
Lend or develop your skills to an AL!VE Committee!
Time commitment usually entails one meeting a month, with 1-2 hours working independently on a project or with a team. Volunteering with AL!VE looks great on a resume!
There are openings for new members on these committees:
- Finance (Oversight and fundraising, grant research)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (committee member) - In 2021, AL!VE launched its DEAI committee. We are seeking new committee members to join the group. Learn more about the DEAI committee here
- Marketing (Social Media, Outreach, Special Projects)
- ​Membership (New Member Calls, Regional Outreach, Special Projects)
- Community of Practice Facilitators
- HR & Policy (set Association policies, volunteer engagement)
Visit our volunteer page to apply and get started!

Welcome to our Newest Members!

Kelli Antonucci
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Elizabeth Garrabrant
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Jeremy Brauning
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Anna Ruiter
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Emily Stagner
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Kyle Wonder
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Audrey Gustafson
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Sarah Fink
Join Date: 02/10/2022
Jenny Garver
Join Date: 02/15/2022
Forum for Volunteer Admin Laura Brindza-Lott
Join Date: 02/16/2022
Kelley Uber Sterner
Join Date: 02/17/2022
Shoshana Mostoller
Join Date: 02/17/2022
Angel De Luz
Join Date: 02/20/2022
Tricia Mohney
Join Date: 02/23/2022
Brittany Bandstra
Join Date: 02/25/2022
Kelli Antonucci
Join Date: 02/25/2022
Chelsea Gioffre
Join Date: 02/25/2022
Shannon White
Join Date: 02/25/2022
Anne Katz
Join Date: 02/28/2022
Karen Tharp
Join Date: 03/02/2022
Amerika McDaniel
Join Date: 03/03/2022
Amiya Miles
Join Date: 03/03/2022
Nancy Brubaker
Join Date: 03/04/2022
Office of Career Opportunities & Volunteer Services
Join Date: 03/07/2022
Thank You to Our Returning Members!

Paula Allen
Renewal Date: 02/27/2022
Antonio Alvarez
Renewal Date: 03/04/2022
Brittany Bandstra
Renewal Date: 02/25/2022
Amira Barger
Renewal Date: 03/02/2022
Karmit Bulman
Renewal Date: 03/06/2022
Susan Czaplicki
Renewal Date: 03/11/2022
Bonnie Davis
Renewal Date: 03/09/2022
Renee DeRosier
Renewal Date: 03/01/2022
Tanya Eastman
Renewal Date: 03/04/2022
Adam Falzarano
Renewal Date: 03/07/2022
Laura Formentini
Renewal Date: 02/27/2022
Kelly Gascoine
Renewal Date: 02/19/2022
Jessica Goff
Renewal Date: 02/09/2022
Andrew Haukebo
Renewal Date: 02/22/2022
Chaundra Johnson
Renewal Date: 02/19/2022
Rachelle Lange
Renewal Date: 02/13/2022
Bridget Mantello
Renewal Date: 02/18/2022
Gerald (Jerry) Pannozzo, CVA
Renewal Date: 03/01/2022
Nicole Price
Renewal Date: 02/24/2022
Sue Prochazka
Renewal Date: 03/05/2022
Amy Rothery-Colin
Renewal Date: 02/11/2022
Susie Ryks
Renewal Date: 02/15/2022
Jennifer Thompson
Renewal Date: 03/04/2022
Gabby VanderMolen
Renewal Date: 02/18/2022
Kristen Volpone
Renewal Date: 02/09/2022
Lauren Finke Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Renewal Date: 02/13/2022
Kelsey Umthun Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Renewal Date: 02/13/2022
Jake Bass Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Renewal Date: 02/13/2022
Shannon White
Renewal Date: 02/25/2022
Trudi White Campbell, CVA
Renewal Date: 03/02/2022
Jeanie Ziegler
Renewal Date: 02/16/2022
Missing emails, reminders or communications from us?
Did you know?
You can add an additional email address to your member information, so your registration for a webinar, COP or newsletter info will be mailed to your main AND alternate email address.
We understand many of our colleagues are working from home and/or in a hybrid format, and that often computer systems or firewalls put our emails into the dreaded spam folder. Keep an eye on your junk folder to make sure you don't miss anything!

Log into the members only section to update your member information. If you need assistance, contact us. |
Upcoming AL!VE Academy Webinars
Cathy Thoma, CVA VP of Programs & Advocacy These monthly professional development webinars are available FREE to all AL!VE members, including Local Association memberships.
These sessions are recorded, and the slide deck & recording can be accessed on the members only side of our website. From the member menu, choose 'Resources' tab and then File Archive. We look forward to listening, learning, and continuing the conversation with all of you!
Join us as we “Continue the Conversation” with our speakers for 48 hours after the presentation on our AL!VE members only Linked in Group Page, which you may join here: AL!VE LinkedIn Group Page. This is an opportunity to ask the speakers follow up questions and engage in discussions with your peers.

The Transformational Role of Volunteer Engagement Professionals
Presenter: Becca Hand, MPA, CVA
March 17, 2022 @ Noon E, 60 min
Visit the event site to register today!

Low-to-No-Budget Volunteer Appreciation
Presenter: Joe Landmichl
April 1, 2022 @ 2:00pm E, 60 minutes
Register here.

Understanding the Challenges Volunteer Administrators Face:
Results from a Recent Research Study
Presenter: David Thorne, Ed.D.
May 6, 2022 @ 2:00pm E, 60 minutes
Registration coming soon! Check the calendar for details.
AL!VE Academy Discussion on LinkedIn
Welcome back as we begin 2022 with a new slate of professional development webinars that are available FREE to all AL!VE members, including Local Association memberships.
As an added benefit this year, exclusively for our AL!VE members, we will now be hosting a “Continuing the Conversation'' discussion with our speakers for 48 hours after their presentation. This will be available only on our AL!VE LinkedIn Group page which you may join here: AL!VE LinkedIn Group Page. We encourage you to ask the speakers follow up questions and engage in discussions with your peers.
This group page is different than our association site page which is here: Association of Leaders In Volunteer Engagement.
Be sure to join both to get the most of your AL!VE membership!
Communities of Practice - Upcoming and NEW COP's
Join a Community of Practice!
The AL!VE Communities of Practice (COP) Program is designed to give AL!VE members networking and educational opportunities within their field of expertise. Led by AL!VE members and field experts, it is a time to share experiences, resources and recommendations with fellow AL!VE members. If you'd like to lead a COP in an area not listed below, contact us!
Learn more about Communities of Practice here and sign up via the AL!VE calendar here.
Upcoming COP Dates:
3/24 @ 4pm E, Museums
4/5 @ 3pm E, Food Banks
4/6 @ 3pm E, Advisory Boards & Committees
4/19 @ 2pm E, Rural Communities
4/25 @ 2:30pm E, National Networks
4/27 @1pm E, Animal Welfare
4/28 @ 2pm E, Emergency Response
NEW and Coming Soon:
- Museums COP - March 24
- Book Club COP: The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact, by Chip Heath & Dan Heath - May 9 through August 8
Welcome to Julie Booth, the new facilitator for the Rural COP! Julie will facilitate the March meeting.
BIG thank you to the COP Facilitators who work hard to manage the logistics, resources, and content for each COP and make sure each conversation is meaningful and helpful for participants. Thank you for your service!
AL!VE Member Welcome Webinars
New to AL!VE or just want to check in?

Find out what's happening or get a quick fix of networking with your peers! New members will get a brief overview of our mission, benefits, activities and committees.
Register to attend an upcoming webinar from our calendar:
April 12, 3 PM Eastern
May 25, 1 PM Eastern
June 28, 3 PM Eastern
August 4, Noon Eastern
September 21, 1 PM Eastern
November 2, 3 PM Eastern
December 8, Noon Eastern
October 18 or 19, 2022 Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference Theme Announcement
Impact Evaluation: Data that Matters &
Creating the Right Story
Everyone is being expected to take advantage of data, no matter what their size, mission, or budget. Decision makers want organizations to use data to show their value beyond what the financials show. But it’s more than that. It’s also knowing what data is important and telling the story behind the data that really matters.
With limited resources, how do agencies partnering with volunteers choose an approach that combines the right mix of data and tools to provide insight relevant to your organization? And where is it going to come from?
This year's Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference will focus on equipping leaders of volunteers with skills to determine what data is useful and how to tell impactful stories using different tools and technologies.
Broadcast October 18 or 19, host sites will be able to live stream our conference presenters to a live or remote audience, facilitated again this year by Faiza Venzant, CVA.
Registration will open May 2022. If you'd like to be on the mailing list to receive updates, sign up here.
Timeline for the 2022 Conference:
April 2022: Speakers announced
May 2022: Registration opens
May-July: Informational sessions
October 18 - Pacific & Mountain Broadcast
October19 - Central & Eastern Broadcast
Texas Volunteer Management Conference - Registration Open!
Registration Now Open!
Celebrating it's 31st year, this year's Texas Volunteer Management Conference is themed “Brave New World: Leaning into Challenges,” and will be 100% virtual. New unforeseen challenges continue to arise as we adjust and reengage volunteers in our programs. Our profession is changing and requires us to move forward with adaptability and ingenuity. Through this conference, we hope to lead volunteer engagement professionals into a world where challenges are reframed into possibilities by leaning into them with courage.
For more information and to register, visit the conference website today!
Local Associations Updates
Professional Development for Local Association Leadership
Our Quarterly Professional Development Topics for 2022:
1st Quarter: Calling In vs Calling Out: Diversifying Your Board
March 30, 2pm E
Register Here!
2nd Quarter: Board Development (Date TBA - June)
3rd Quarter: Strategic Planning for your Local Association Association (Date TBA - September)
4th Quarter: Local Associations National Summit November 3, 2022
If your Local Association (DOVIA, AVA, DOVS, etc) is an AL!VE Local Association member, or if you belong to a Local Association, please read and pass along these updates! For more information about joining AL!VE as a Local Association, learn more here.
Don't forget to share this newsletter with your members!
In addition, check these additional benefits to AL!VE local association members.
Member Survey Highlights
Some highlights from our 2021 Member Survey
- 4.7 out of 5 for likely to recommend AL!VE
- 98% likely to renew membership
- 96% say value matches fee
- 90% participated in an AL!VE Academy
- 75% participated in a Community of Practice
- More than 50% accessed our library of resources, calendar and IJOVA
- 50% particpated in the Mentor Program
Want to see more? View our Annual Report here:
Fill Your Calendar with AL!VE Events!
Member Benefit Now Available!

For AL!VE Members with a full membership, you now have access to a great new member benefit:
Announcing the Portfolio Manager!
America's Service Commissions Releases Statement on the Passage of FY22 Appropriations
ASC Statement on the Passage of FY22 Appropriations
Washington, DC (March 11, 2022) — Following House passage late Wednesday, the Senate passed HR 2471, the FY22 Consolidated Appropriations Act, and sent it to the President for his signature on Thursday night (March 10). America’s Service Commissions is pleased that HR 2471 provides full year funding for the federal government and includes a $30 million funding increase for the AmeriCorps agency (also known as the Corporation for National and Community Service) over FY21. This is the first full appropriations bill passed in coordination with the Biden Administration.
The bill includes funding increases for all agency accounts, including read more... |