2023 Annual Meeting

Thank you to our Board, Volunteers & Staff

On December 6, AL!VE held its Annual Meeting, where all committees and projects reported on their 2023 accomplishments and outlined goals for 2024.

Our annual report will be published in the first quarter of 2024, providing a comprehensive overview of our achievements and future plans.

Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Katie Campbell, CVA

The AL!VE Board of Directors is excited to announce the establishment of a Lifetime Achievement Award, dedicated to recognizing outstanding contributions to our profession. This prestigious honor celebrates individuals who have made significant, lasting impacts in volunteer engagement.

This year's inaugural recipient is Katie Campbell, CVA, a leader whose dedication and achievements have profoundly influenced our field. Katie was honored during our Annual Meeting, and we invite you to learn more about her remarkable contributions by watching the recording. Her segment begins at the 1:18:47 mark.