Become a Training & Implementation Partner

Help Expand the National Service Enterprise Training & Implementation Network!

Service Enterprise is delivered in partnership with organizations trained and equipped by AL!VE to guide local organizations through a comprehensive assessment, training, coaching, and certification process.

As an AL!VE Service Enterprise Training & Implementation Partner, you get access to the following:

  • Service Enterprise Curriculum, Materials & Network
  • Ability to conduct Diagnostic & Debrief Services using RGK Center's Index of Volunteer Engagement
  • License to deliver Points of Light's Volunteer Engagement Training Program
  • Complimentary AL!VE membership for 2 Service Enterprise Program Facilitators
  • Ongoing support from our National Service Enterprise Administrator

The Process for Becoming a Training & Implementation Partner

Review the program details and complete the application to become a Service Enterprise Training & Implementation Partner. If you have questions regarding the application process or wish to apply, contact our Service Enterprise Administrator. Applications for new Training & Implementation Partners are currently being considered on an ad-hoc basis. 

Selection Criteria

Applications are accepted from the following types of organizations:

  • State Service Commissions, state nonprofit associations, or state volunteer associations
  • Foundations
  • National organizations with affiliated networks
  • Volunteer Centers, Connectors & Convenors
  • Government and City Volunteer Offices
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Departments
  • Volunteer Engagement and Nonprofit Services Providers

Applications are reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated track record of success, including successful implementation of previous programs and grants for nonprofit capacity building and volunteer engagement
  • Demonstrated capacity, experience, and positive reputation in delivering training and capacity-building services to organizations in the service area
  • Experience providing training/coaching/consulting services to organizations in the service area
  • Ability to connect with the local nonprofit network
  • Financial and human resources to support the effective implementation of the Service Enterprise Program

Applications received will be reviewed against the above selection criteria and may require further conversation with the applicant.

Program Model

Service Enterprise Training & Implementation Partners lead organizations through the following process to achieve Service Enterprise Accreditation:

  • 2-hour orientation, followed by a Diagnostic, which measures current volunteer engagement practices
  • 2-hour Diagnostic Debrief, which includes a consultative session on the diagnostic results
  • Up to 16-hour Service Enterprise training
  • Up to 10 hours of additional coaching for each organization
  • Upon completing a majoring of your change management action plan, you apply for accreditation

Note: We do accept Training & Implementation Partners that are just interested in the Diagnostic & Debrief Service. When a participant is interested in doing the full change management program a referral is made to a national trainer.

Expectations for Training & Implementation Partners

To best facilitate the Service Enterprise Program, our Local Training & Implementation Partners are expected to:

  • Work with at least five organizations annually to meet one of the following:
    • Achieve Accreditation as a Service Enterprise
    • Complete of Service Enterprise training series and coaching
    • Complete the Diagnostic & Debrief Services
  • Agree to become a Service Enterprise Accredited Organization within 18 months of operating as a Training & Implementation Partner
  • Sign a Service Enterprise license agreement for the term of the license
  • Pay licensing and program delivery fees
  • Secure resources for effective implementation, including staffing the program and becoming an accredited Service Enterprise, attending the monthly training/meetings, and delivering training and coaching to cohorts

Be Part of Our National Network of Service Enterprise Training & Implementation Partners

We have the privilege of supporting and empowering a fantastic network of hubs that are currently delivering the Service Enterprise Program across the nation.

  • VQ Volunteer Strategies (national trainer)
  • ASU Lodestar Center
  • Chicago Cares
  • HandsOn Atlanta
  • HandsOn Northwest North Carolina
  • HandsOn Greater Richmond 
  • Inspiring Service
  • Kansas State Board of Education
  • Maine Commission for Community Service
  • Massachusetts Service Alliance
  • Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA)
  • PATH Volunteer Center
  • Team Giving, Inc.
  • Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center
  • Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
  • Volunteer Center of South Jersey
  • Volunteer Florida
  • Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service