Volunteer Management Capacity in US Charities

New 2019 Study Report!

In 2003, the Urban Institute conducted a national (U.S.) study of volunteer management practices and the readiness of nonprofit organizations to take on more volunteers. In 2019, in the months before the COVID-19 pandemic rearranged life in the country, Hager and Brudney conducted a second snapshot. How far did we come in 16 years? The brief below documents their findings. 
Take a look! Inside, you will find details on their major conclusions, including:

Volunteer Management Capacity in America’s Charities: April 2021 Briefing Report

Download your own copy, or read the report below:

The second wave of the Volunteer Management Capacity Study was funded by AmeriCorps in a cooperative agreement with Arizona State University

2003 Volunteer Management Capacity Study briefs: